A Man

What man is a man who does not make the world better.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Michelle Part 2

We met yesterday. I'm happy but I just realized something new about her. I realized that she became someone else, she's not the little Michelle I know anymore. Yes, I know that change is the only permanent thing in this world and I'm very happy that she trusts me to know her more. I may not know her that much right now or whatever but I'm willing to take this chance to know her better. Well, I'm not thinking about anything related to relationship right now but the real plan is to help her change. Well, not really change but to help her grow more to become a better, stronger person. Yes, that's the exact same reason almost a year ago when someone came back from my past.

Deja vu?

I don't know.

Whether it is a test or chance for me now then I'll gladly take it.

I want to help her and I must admit that I like her.

If ever that she might be reading this then so be it, at least she know now what I'm thinking about her.

Wait, yes I did tell her 2 years ago that I like her. I hope she remembers it.

Plus, I learned something new again yesterday when we talked about our stuffs and silly me, now there are two girls in my life that will always prove wrong about them. Women.

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